
Dr. Janak Mehta M.B.B.S., (BOM.)
D.O.M.S., Oculoplasty (England)




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Information about Lasik:

The Lasik procedure is best performed with fastest & latest Excimer laser and our state of art laser is German made Amaris laser machine, the fastest doing laser treatment in just few seconds.

For details of the our machine you may please click following link.

Speed and Precision

This machine is exceptionally fast because of unique double fluence and precision because of the smallest spot size of laser just 0.54 mm attached with 6 types of trecking camara following the movement of eyes eliminating any error because of movement of the eye during the laser treatment. The treatment time is very important criterion as laser treatment is affected by temperature and humidity in the operation room but this machine is 10 times faster so makes the treatment 10 times more precise.

The types of treatment possible with this machine:

1) Wavefront optimized Aspheric Lasik:

Is a unique treatment modality which makes post myopic laser treated cornea prolate from oblate by creating a smooth transitional zone reducing night glare, haloes and flare.

2) Ocular wavefront Lasik:

Is real wavefront treatment and gives a best quality of vision as treatment is done on the basis of whole eye aberration compared with an ideal eye.

3) Corneal wavefront Lasik:

Mostly done for unusual corneal aberration especially for patients previously treated elsewhere but this treatment gives a real miraculous vision.

4) Trans epithelial PRK:

Only this machine is designed to do a cut free & bladeless laser treatment which leaves no mark on cornea and even if any eye surgeon later examine this patient on their slitlamp (magnifying instrument), he cannot make out that any surgery was done on that eye.

5) PTK:

To remove any superfiacial corneal opacity formed during previous infection or injury in childhood leading to very blurry vision.This treatment restores the vision back.

6) Presby Lasik:

We have a special device to do Lasik to correct presbyopia eliminating the need for reading glasses required after the age of 40 years.

FAQs about Lasik:

1) Can one get regression ( getting number again) after getting Lasik ?

The number which is corrected by laser is corrected forever but if the patient’s number are otherwise going to increase, it cannot be prevented for example when a person turns 40 years old, one gets presbyopia which needs glasses for near and this keeps on increasing up to the age of 60.

2) Is zero number guarrantteed ?

Most of the time with this advanced laser treatment, number go back to zero but it cannot be guarentted as the ultimate outcome depends on the healing power of an individual and it varies from individual to individual. But if at all any significant residual number are left, it can be corrected by an enhancement laser treatment after a healing time of three months has passed

3) Can one loose eye sight after lasik?

Although it is mentioned as one of the possible complication of lasik in our textbook ,I am lucky not to have seen one inspite of doing thousands of Lasik surgeries.

4) Many people have scared that after doing Lasik, any other surgeries like Cataract cannot be done in future and ask me if cataract surgery can be done in future if required?

Yes, Of course any surgery like cataract can be done and since we are doing lasers for last 20 years, we have successfully done cataract surgery for those patients who underwent laser surgery when they were in their fifties then.

To see lasik video please click following link.

Lasik Video


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Cataract Surgery:

The advances in the field are so unbelievable that we have kept a live CCTV arrangement to watch the surgery.This surgery hardly takes 8 minutes and is performed without any injections, stitches or eye pad but it is made painless by an eye drop that anesthetise the eye.

Patient can soon after surgery go back home and doesn’t need bedrest but can resume office after two or three days. Face & scalp wash should be avoided for a fortnight.


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Squint surgery :

Assessment of a squint is very important and not all the cases require surgery. In some cases, squint can be corrected without any surgery at all.

There are many causes of squint and most of the time it is since birth but right tratment at right time can give not only good cosmetic correction but even good vision which is not possible if amblyopia is already set in or if binocularity is lost.

Normally we simultaneously see with both the eyes but people with squint don’t see same images as a result initially gets double vision but the brain learns to supress image from one of the eyes in order to avoid double vision and that leads to loss of binocularity


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Pterygium Surgery:

Pterygium is an extension of conjunctival fold over cornea which in advanced cases can lead to severe visual loss and disfiguring look of the eye.

but it can be well operated without stitches in just few minutes.